Sunday, March 15, 2009

my first apoc game.

well... i have heard many people talk about this, and i have developed my own opinion about the idea of buying thousands of dollars in models to play in these games... but i had never taken the time to play one, nor wtach one.

well that changed.

my FLGS waqs hosting an apoc game, the game turned out to be around 120k points when all was said and done, and there were an amazing amount of models on the table. including 2 chaos titans - an armorcast warhound and reaver, a new ork stompa, a custom ork skullhamma, a couple tyranid hyrodule, angoroth (sp?) the unbound, and a couple chaos primarchs. along with a shit ton of orks and nids, chaos marines on the bad side... and for the good side... an eldar phantom titan, revanant, 4 baneblade/variants, a vampire, and a sunstorm squadron... it was an impressive mix of models...

although i will say this... i dropped a chapter master, and command squad of ten, along with a librarian andsternguard unit on an objective late in the game... the command squad and master took a round of firing that included 3 land raider crusaders, 4 ravenwing speeders, 15 ravenwing bikes, 3 attack bikes, 3 IG leman russ, some tau rail guns and plasma rifles, and various other shooting from bolters flamers, sammael x2, IG, and tau... and through all of that... i suffered one wound on the chapter master. and one wound on the librarian. it made me laugh.

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