Saturday, April 25, 2009

red scorpions vs. daemons - 2k

this was my first game against a veteran player who has done nothing but pound my face in each time i've played him. he plays a nasty daemon list, which is you head over to his blog ( you can find it.

he is going to write up the battle report, with pictures, and i will link it as soon i see that he has it up.

well i deployed first... and game one ended when he rolled for his secondary drop of 4x5 plaguebearers, 2x10 bloodletters, and 1x6 fiends.

so we actually got to play a second game, which he got his preferred drop of 2x6 fiends, 3x daemon prince, 3x heralds of tzeentch

my take...

deployment: quarters | mission: 5 objectives

i realized too late that my deployment was way off. i deployed my speeders in the open, ready for bolts to be thrown at them, as well as my inquisitor lord, which was sitting on an objective in the middle if my table edge 8 inches in. i realized as soon as he he started dropping his army, that my inquisitor with mystics should have been sitting on the objective in the middle of the right 2/3 of the table... with range on mystics covering most of the board. from now on. i probably deep strike speeders, and don't deploy my inquisitor far far away from deep striking units. especially since i take sanctuary just for playing daemons. andy also taught me a neat close combat trick, probably will save that for unfriendly tournament play...

more to come when andy posts his batrep.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

i've returned to the west

so after a bit of driving, and an interesting hotel stay in sidney, nebraska. i have returned to salt lake city.

it's been a long past couple of weeks, and now that i am out here where i can play some games against some better players, i can start posting batreps again. there just something about none of the georgia players being able to take me past 4 turns, that made me want to not do it anymore.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

a problem with the gaming community.

so i was looking online for lists of events and what not in the 40k world... and... wow... there is a surprising lack of knowledge on the subject.

i mean... everyone knows that the indy gts are... and the lack of US GTs this year. but on the subject i have found information on 3 conventions across the country? i know they may not be HUGE... but i know there are more than that. i didn't even find the information for a mini con held by the circle of swords in pittsburgh and their yearly gathering with 40k tournaments.

i emailed as many of the local stores here in the atlanta metro as i could to see if we could get them to commit to notifying people a little better about events.

i guess we'll have to see.

Red Scorpion Update

upon closer inspection of the army as it stood i decided i did not like the bolt gun/yellow scheme of the army, and have opted to repaint all of the vehicles to an adeptus battlegray/yellow scheme... it better suits the description of the army and looks better anyway.

i have all my parts on hand and assembled i am finishing up painting on the marines this week, and will be posting some pictures. i have to pick up some apothecary bits... the imperial armour listing for the red scorpions allows the sgts to be upgraded to apthecaries in all tactical and veteran squads... yes, that includes terminators. uhm... i would like very much to be toting around terminators with TH/SS with FNP, thanks.