Wednesday, February 25, 2009

3,000 point 40k Tournament

So, this past weekend I entered a 40k Tournament, that was for some reason called an RTT but wasn't an RTT at all. 3,000 points. 3 rounds. Hooray.

My List:

6x Haemonculus w/ Destructor, Scissorhand, Combat Drug Dispenser
6x Raider Squad - 10 warriors, 1 Shredder, 1 Splinter Cannon
Nightshield, Dark Lance, Slave Snares
3x Wych Squads - 5 wyches, (2 Shredders, 2 Blasters, 2 Blasters), Raider
Nightshields, Dark Lance, Torture Amp, Slave Snares
3x Ravager - 3x Disintegrator, Nightshields
3x Reaver Squads - 5 Reavers (2 Shredders, 2 Blasters, 2 Blasters)

2980 points

Being such a high point tournament, I was expecting a lot of heavy mech armies... and a lot of hordes...

Game 1: Dark Eldar vs. Chaos Space Marines.
These guys made fun of me and thought I was REAL stupid for not bring Vect in such a high point game.

This was me versus a team, since apparently people in the greater Atlanta metro area are not capable of fielding 3000 points independantly. Their List:

  • Abaddon
  • Terminator Lord - Death Screamer, TL Bolter, Personal Icon, Mark Of Tzeentch
  • Chosen - 3 Terminators - Chain fist, Lightning Claw Pair x2, combi melta, Mark of Slannesh
  • Chaos Terminators - Chain Fist, Lightning Claw, Power Fist, Combi Melta x2, Reaper Autocannon
  • Noise Marines - 5 marines, Blastmaster, Melta Bombs; Noise Champion - Power Weapon, Doom Siren, Melta Bombs
  • Khorne Bezerkers - 7 Marines; Skull Champion - Power Fist
  • 3x Thousand Sons - 8 Marines, Inferno Bolts, Personal Icon; Aspiring Sorceror Force Weapon, Doombolt, Inferno Bolts
  • 3x Lesser Daemons - 9 Daemons
  • Lesser Daemons - 6 Daemons
  • Obliterators - 3 Oblits
  • Defiler
  • Defiler
PICTURES FOUND!!!! 6x4 board with a river running through the middle. cutting the river into thirds ws a bridge and a ford, the roest of the river was difficult terrain as demanded by the map scenario. the bridge and the ford were the objectives, and victory conditions were as such: (battle points are actual model point cost, fyi)
  • Have more MODELS within 12 inches of the objective than the other player - 3 pts
  • Have more BATTLE POINTS cross the river onto the opponent's side of the map - 2 pts
  • Defeat more BATTLE POINTS in CC than your opponent - 1 pts
  • Kill point win - 2pts kill point loss - 1 pt
I was actually kind of worried about the kill points in the long run of thing considering the amount in my army... but, c'est la vie... they win the dice roll for first turn, and decide i should go first. Ok. Deployment is 12 inch along the board edge. I deploy 10 bikes in a screen giving cover to my raiders in between the bits and pieces of terrain on the table... in the left corner of my side this means 2 medium sized rock formations. I deploy my ravagers in the middle of my board edge behind another rock formation with 5 Reavers giving a screen to the exposed flank.

They deploy, and make one big line of chaos marines all the way across their edge 6 inches in. they deploy 2 Defilers, Terminator Lord, and Abaddon opposite my raider cluster, and decide to deep strike the oblits, later. They join Abaddon to the Chosen and the Lord to the Terminator Squad. From my left to right marine deployment- Berkerkers, Thousand Sons, TS, TS, Noise Marines.


Turn 1
I move the bikes and raiders forward 12 inches, and the ravagers to the right 6 inches with their bike screen. 3 shots of Dark Lance Fire from Raiders wrecks and explodes both Defilers. High Five. The Rest of the Dark Lances all fired into the Abaddon Squad and killed one terminator. The Ravagers opened fire on on the noise marines to the far right, Killing the squad down to the sorceror, and scattering onto a few thousand sons.

They move their entire line of marines forward 6 and decide to not shoot at the bikes and go for raiders. they managed to penetrate two raiders, but the cover save from the bikes saved them indeed. Nightshields pretty much negated the rest of their shooting phase.

Turn 2
I move the raiders up to the river and the bikes just on the other side. I pour more Dark Lance fire into the Abaddon squad and kill them all and give him a wound, as well as putting one of the Lord's squad down. The warriors on board the 6 raiders rapid fired into the Berserker Squad and killed them all. The Wych raiders were out of range for their special weapons, so I guess they get to wait until next turn. My ravagersmoved back to their orginal deployment, and pounded away on the thousand sons closest to the objective killed another squad.

They moved everything forward 6 more inches in the direction of the nearest objectives. Their shooting phase was slightly better this time around, immobilizing a wych raiders and wrecking it, and then abaddon charged a warrior raider, and managed to shake it, and destroy the lance.

Turn 3
I moved two speeders fast over the large rock formation near my raider cluster towards the bridge objective The remaining raiders circled around abbadon, and the wyches disembarked with the Haemonculi to charge the Terminator Lord. The Dark Lances fired into Abaddon were entirely useless this round, doing just one wound. However, the combined fire of 32 rapid firing rifles and 4 cannons were enough to take the remaining two wounds from Abaddon. The wyches fired their blasters into the terminator lord, giving him one more wound, and the haemonculi charged, and they all passed the CDD rolls, which were +1 A, +1 WS, reroll to hit. but the Lord would go down, striking back he killed a wych, but I passed leadership. The ravagers continued to grind away the thousand sons killing just a few

They rolled for daemons and and oblits. The oblits came down 6 inches from the terminator lord, and 1 squad of daemons landed on the ford objective and the other squad just opposite of the river from my ravagers. After about 5 minutes of team talk, they decide to fire 3 Multi Meltas at one of my raiders, which I obligingly remove from the board. the explosion claims 1 casualty, and surprise, he makes his save (even with the little dice andy! yay!) They also managed this turn in shooting to immobilze a ravager and kill 3 bikes, something about ap 3 bolter shots. fuck that. back to combat, i reroll drugs and 1 haemonculus takes a wound. and the beatdown of the terminator lord is finished. i massacre move straight at the thousand sons closing in on me. the daemons destroy the last of my bikes on the right side of the board, and bolter fire on the other side has destroyed all but two bikes.

Turn 4
By this point in time, I see the game pretty much over. I have crossed my entire army but the ravagers over the river, and starting next turn, to win, all i need to do is turbo boost raiders ionto the objectives and unload. It's a mandatory 6 turns, as per the scenario rules, so I seek more blood instead of run for cover. my raiders are massed around the oblits and in an act of glory, destroyed all 3 of them. TheHaemonculus and wyches were on their way over to the thousand sons and started eating them away until the assault, when they were wiped out. my ravagers drop plates on the daemon squad across the river, and all 6 go poof; as well as the daemons camping the ford, killing 2 of them off.

they roll for their last daemon squad and they land in a nice little cluster for me right on the ford objective again. there is still a sorceror hanging out that i forgot about with all the other killing that is going on. there's not much to shoot since they only have one squad left not engaged in combat. At this point they give me the handshake, and I proxy turns 5 and 6 moving my raiders in place on the objectives and unloading 50 warriors and some wyches on them.


They claimed we technically tied CC I quietly objected that fact, and took a 7-1 win.

Game 2

I don't have a copy of his list... but when I asked what he was playing... "SPACE MARINES" in a very dull monotone and trodden voice. the capitalization is for emphasis for a later part of the story. The map here was called the helipad... in my left corner of the map there was in fact a helipad, and in his, a stone "headquarters". in the middle was a bridge again. Objectives:
  • Have more battle points within the other players headquarters (my helipad, his stone structure) 3 pts
  • have more pattle points within 6 inches of the bridge - 2 pts
  • defeat more battle points in CC - 1 pt
He chooses to go first, and deploys an array of mech space marines across his entire board. his base is guarded by terminators , 2 razor backs, and a dev squad. A lot of points on the wrong side of the board. advantage me. directly acorss from the helipad he deploys a MM, HF speeder, a LRC and a rhino both carrying tac squads and a chaplain in the LRC. in the middle of his edge he deploys 2 vindicators, and 2 more rhinos, and another speeder. I deploy my entire army behind the helipad, because it's the ONLY piece of terrain on the board that can hide me. My plan here is to shoot him down as he is forced to cross the board due to his severe lack of range. MM and Ass cannons on everything, Lascannons on the razorbacks and 1 in a dev squad seem to be my only real threat and if i stay where i am they have no LOS on me.


Turn 1
He moves everything forward 12 inches that can. immobilizing a vindicator on the river bank. he's barely everything is out of range still with nightshields so his first turn ends with snide comments and him commenting on how he's going "to be fucking pissed off if my dice are loaded" because i kept rolling 5 and 6 with the same die as i waited for his turn to end. douchebag.

I move my raiders forward and screen with my bikes, and fire into the LRC, after 4 lances, it is immobilized... you know... since blessed hull means I am fucked, good enough for now, i'll deal with it next turn. I explode the rhino and kill 3 marines inside. and the speeder is also immobile. all of a sudden he reailzes he should be getting cover saves from these shots have obviously have VERY clear LOS through my bikes. speeder gets back up. whatever. can't shoot next turn. the warriors onboard go nuts on the tac squad killing them all, and the 3 remaining splinter cannons manage to explode the speeder for real this time.

Turn 2
He moves forward again, parking a rhino on the ford objective, and moving up a speeder behind it.he moves his other vindicator forward and immobilizes it on the river as well. I laugh a little. A Lot. On the inside. He throws his dice. Most everything is still out of range to fire, so he gets a little more angry, swearing... and I still have to laugh a little.

I move my raiders to the backside of the helipad, and take them out of LOS from the LR. I figure I can just let it sit there and I can ignore it for the rest of the game. it's outside of 6 inches from the base. anything inside is going to have to get out and run around the building and fight my wyches, so I am willing to take the chances. I fire my Lances at the rhino in midfield and manage to stun it. and and the speeder but that it about all this turn.

Turn 3
He moves some stuff forwards, and somehow... manages to count the fins on my raiders as being in LOS. Which is bullshit. I believe the rules say hull. Whatever. He wrecks it. I kill 3. I hide them behind the building, checking LOS to make sure a spike or a strand of hair isn't visible. Asshole. He manages to catch on to the bike screen, and starts shooting everything at the bikes that have been in range and LOS since last turn... not sure what he was thinking. but, whatever. bikes are dying left and right. ok. he's now moved his command squad on bikes into a nice tight formwation to get them acorss the river via ford and directly in reach of my ravagers. i'll take it.

After minimal movement, i drop plasma plates on the command squad, and they all die. it wasn't as satisfying as i had hoped, but i am playing with an asshole army, and he must have had a pep talk from a buddy of his and stopped swearing. kind of sad. Dark lance fire popped the rhino and killed a couple marines. Darklances also popped the dread in the middle of the field.MM dread is still about 28-32 inches out... so i can still ignore it.

Turn 4
He unloads from the LRC this turn, and starts moving everything he can forward. somehow, he still manages to see my raiders though not even the fins can see his LRC and he pops another. he runs most everything else.

My Turn 4, I make the mistake. If I had just followed my original plan this probably never would have been an issue. but... i start to move out of my corner. and i fail two DT tests. I Then take a minute to examine the board, and I see this game is still mine, I can still turbo boost to the objectives turn 5 and 6, and get cover saves for the raiders behind the trees and wrecks. BUT WAIT A MINUTE! after I start firing, I am informed I am not really playing space marines, they are actually black templar! and instead of continuing to play the game as space marines... he switches to black templar. which according to the TO, was ok because the list was turned in as black templar. ordinarily... this wouldn't bother me... BUT... no oaths or whatever the hell they are called were taken... no crusader squads. no champions... the ONLY reason he remebered he was BT... is so when he takes a casualty... he gets to run forward! how convenient. his units i just fired at in the back of the field... all of a sudden get to run forward onto the ford objective... as soon as the TO said his switch was ok, and as soon as he got his smile back on his face for complete flat out bullshit cheating... i decided my game was over and fuck it. and ran everything out into the middle of the board. I wasn't going to win now... I couldn't put that many points onto the ford since all of his most expensive units are now running forwards into range.

Turn 5 and 6 basically involve electing not even to fire, and i just move everything into clear sight. Fuck that shit. though no hand to hand was even made... he managed to get the point for that as well... 8-1 loss for me.

Asshole. I don't have an end picture of this game... because i was so mad.

Game 3
This map was called trenches. though I don't know why... there were no trenches. to bunkers in opposite corners. objectives were:
  • Player with most battle points to corss midfield - 3 pts.
  • player with most points within 12 inches of enemy bunker - 2 pts.
  • player most points defeated in CC - 1 pt.
  • kill point win/loss - 2/1
This fight was against CC nids. Gaunts mostly. I am not going to go into deep detail about it, it was basically a lot of running and dying by him, a lot of shooting by me. turns 4, 5 and 6 move to bunker. i had all but 120 points of my army on the other side of the board and withing 12 inches of the bunker, while managing to kill 80% of his army. He just had no chance.



8-1 win me.

Thankfully... the douchebag i played round 2 didn't win the tournament. however... his shitty painted space templar marines black managed to get best appearence. which... fuck that. it looks like shit. oh black and white! nowai! so hard to spray white and color with crayons black over it... one of his buddies won best best general... mostly because the people he played were all under the age of 18, save for his first match... against armored company IG. his list was something like... a lot of nurgle bullshit... and a soul grinder.

had i not been cheated game 2 it would have been a tie with me and the guy who won... and overall, the other scores taken into effect, the tie breaker would have gone to me... so... fuck that guy. i figure i can be bitter since you know you are supposed to enjoy playing this game. but let me tell you. it was nice putting the shut up hell up glass down on the three tables... but from the get go when i opened up my cases and people saw my dark eldar, they were giving me shit. you should have done this... you should have done this... yeah... and you shouldn't have been a dumbass to point out all the mistakes in my list and then have your ass handed to you. well i didn't have fun at this tournament, and not because i didn't win... because the people there were assholes. maybe next time i will take the friendly advice i got from a few guys and go to another state where the games would be better.

And one more complaint. WTF were these scenarios?! complete bullshit... i am pretty sure there was some influence done to the bullshit that were these scenarios by the gaming group that was in question the whole day. or something. because maps were crap. the rules were crap. i even got to go as far as 4th edition roll for deployment, roll for first turn... at least i know where i won't be playing anymore.


  1. OMG no Vect??!!

    Very entertaining read. The Game 2 opponent really did sound like a douche.

  2. I thought about bringing him. Truth be told, my list was only built for 2500 points, and i have no idea what to do with the extra 500. But like I said, I was expecting lots of mech and lots of horde, something I am pretty sure I would have seen if I was still back in Salt Lake, and the haemonculus with destructors just wreck hordes, as well as most other things with some happy dice rolls.

  3. Little Dice still suck

